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Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Incidents Prompt Close Watch On Youngsters

   Repeated suspicious incidents along West Point Road have prompted parents and law enforcement officials alike to keep a close watch on area youngsters.

   In a complaint filed through the Lawrence County Sheriff’s Department late last week two parents reported an individual has been watching their youngsters while they play outdoors.

   The incident was reported on Friday, June 1. Both mothers reported that the incidents began a week before, on Friday, May 25.

   Both women reported noticing a man driving at a slow rate of speed past their houses, driving a small blue car. The incidents tended to occur, the victims stated, after the older youngsters had returned from school. However, they do have young children playing in both yards most times of the day, they said.

   While driving past and watching the youngsters, the women report that the man has been wearing a black hat and sunglasses. During the last such incident the youngsters were playing in a swimming pool.

   Both moms indicated they had been unable to obtain a license plate number from the suspicious vehicle.

   Detectives with the department’s Criminal Investigation Division are continuing to investigate the matter.
